Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
BHILVAA fried gram |
30 |
GANESHA brand gram flour |
30 |
GAURI brand gram floor besa |
30 |
HARINA premium gram dhall |
30 |
HARINA pure gram flour |
30 |
HORSE brand gram floar besa |
30 |
INDUS gold one gram |
14 |
LAKHAN'S 999 super gram dal |
30 |
ROJA fried gram adil +plant |
31 |
S.S.D GOLD gram flour |
30 |
30 |
SHRESTH coarse gram floor |
30 |
SREE GOLD gram dhall |
30 |
SUN FLOWER gram +flower |
31 |
TAJ MAHAL bengal gram ADIL |
31 |
best FAN brand gram +fan |
30 |
gramaphone dog & oval |
9 |
GRAMMY +gramaphone |
19 |
KERAMS gramasree +woman |
30 |
RELIANCE grameen |
42 |
gramin W.B. FOREST +flowers |
30 |
SWANAND english grammar |
16 |
GMM grammy |
9 |
GENIUS gramodaya MY CHOICE |
16 |
KRITAGYA khadi gramodyog |
35 |
gramophone dog & oval |
16, 25, 28, 35, 38, 41, 42 |
gramophone dog & square |
9, 16, 25, 28, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45 |
HMV +dog gramophone & circl |
9, 16, 28, 38 |
MANIA +gramophone |
9 |
SM S'MUSIC +gramophone |
9 |
SWARA SAGARAM +gramophone |
41 |
circle & gramophone |
28 |
LOACKER gran pasticceria |
30 |
MITSUBISHI orbis gran 20w 5 |
4 |
VIN gran |
1 |
UKTV granada +oval |
16 |
grand CANYON |
32, 33 |
grand CHEROKEE |
12 |
grand DUKE |
34 |
grand EMERALD +oval |
43 |
grand HYATT |
16 |
grand MASTER |
7, 33 |
grand MASTER +square |
24 |
grand MASTER BLACK label |
32 |
grand PRIX |
7 |
grand SERAII |
36 |
grand SIECLE |
33 |
42 |
grand SLAM |
12 |
grand SLAN cup |
16 |
grand SOLEIL g GRAZIOLI +su |
20 |
grand VISTA |
43 |
grand bakery |
30 |
grand basmati rice +food |
30 |
grand fortune |
32 |
grand fortune (PER SE) |
33 |
grand orange |
33 |
grand prix europe M3 |
12 |
grand square KUNDLI |
37 |
grand's STAR CITY |
35 |
AVANTI grand residences |
36 |
AZON grand |
12 |
43 |
DLF grand mall |
35 |
GI grand |
8 |
GS grand SEIKO |
14 |
GS grand stores +circle |
35 |
GW grand WELL +circle |
25 |
HOTEL grand TUSHAR +crown |
42 |
INDITAL grand prix +flags |
12 |
JBB grand |
37 |
MB grand maurya |
21 |
MBD grand maurya |
3, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 |
O grand +circles |
24 |
PACE aqua grand |
11 |
PAN'WOOD grand |
7 |
S.K.R'S S.K.R'S grand sweet |
35 |
SARASWATI grand +godess |
14 |
a1 grand prix |
41 |
itc grand MOGHUL |
32 |
korean super grand +ship |
24 |
le grand CHATEAU |
33 |
G casa grande |
36, 37 |
AKAR mixer grander +drop |
7 |
grandi motori trieste |
12 |
RALLI'S grandsons +eye lips |
32 |
MARBO granit |
19 |
ARTE-granite |
19 |
AVM granite |
35 |
COSMO granite |
19 |
GRIFINE vitrified granite |
19 |
19 |
SIKHWAL granite & tiles |
19 |
THE granite PEOPLE +man hil |
19 |
WESTERN granite |
19 |
ceramic granite |
19 |
G gallop granites ltd. |
19 |
NG NATURAL granites |
19 |
OREVA world of granites |
25, 34 |
GEM granities +diamond |
19 |